GetUpOffaThatThingAndShakeIt, You'll Feel Better
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I miss my dresser
Seriously. I am sad about it. There is a hole in my heart where it once was. Moment of silence for my lost dresser. Now back to work.
Friday, November 17, 2006
National Adoption Day
Today is National Adoption Day. I was so excited to hear about how thousands of children in Foster Care are having their adoption finalized today. How incredible that they are being “born” into a new life with a family that loves them… today! Christian talk radio has been talking a lot about orphans this week. It has been impressed upon me just how much we are called, as Christians, to step up to the plate and help these little ones. There are 143 MILLION orphaned children in the world today. There are hundreds of thousands in the USA in Foster Care who are waiting to be adopted and loved, for once, by a mommy and daddy. Many of these kids will just grow up in Foster homes until they are 18 years old- then they go out into the world on their own. Coming from a family that was a Foster Home to so many little girls, this hits home and breaks my heart. What greater impact for Christ than to bring a child into your home and share His love with them!
We are not all called to adopt children, but we are all called to help. Check out this web page to find out ways that you can help the fatherless.
James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
I have heard it said that perhaps our country will not see true turn-around in the abortion laws until our Christian population learns to step up and takes care of the fatherless that we currently have- not to mention those that would be our responsibility if we are successful in outlawing abortions. I am going to do a better job helping the helpless.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Jo B.
This is my sister Joanna. She is one of the most fun people that I know- and pretty darn funny. She is also in Afghanistan and a pretty darn good officer. Please pray for our people in combat zones- especially the Christians. It is easy to feel isolated, alone and left with no Christian encouragement or accountability. So, when you read this and think about it- please pray. What an opportunity we have to touch a land that has not felt the feet of this many Christians- maybe ever!