I actually know one. These rare photographs were captured of a whisperer in action. Notice the techique... leading to the amazing, AMAZING conclusion. Jimmy just sitting. Shhhhhhhh.
Ahem. Much apologies to the professional (wildlife) photographer, Rachelle. My roommate is always in the right place at the right time. Or maybe she just always has my camera, and magic just follows her.
But Chewie is so cute all hairy and such not, like I'd want to date him cute, I mean, hello han Solo, but still, I think he would look like an overgrown hariless rat if he shaved. It may have worked for bigfoot, but with thousands of years of evolutionary adaptaion on him, Chewie must have known something. Seriously, what if his skin was flourestent purple? What then? What if he looked like Jen when he shaved?
What kind of question is that!? Jen is Chewie's great-grandmother's counsin's sister's aunt's uncles' father's uncles' brother-in-law's twenty-seventh counsin thrice removed, so of course they're connected. Its like six degree of Kevin Bacon. Its only six cause if it were seven big foot would eat him for breaksfast, just like his cousin Jen eats bread.
Ever seen Jenn eat bread, I mean, seriously eat bread. Yeah, I've feared for my life before, which really has nothing to do with Jen eating bread, just saying...
other words that i like: poka dot vomit antidisestablishmentarianism (is that spelled right?) vacuum plinth buttafucco liposuction callipygian isochronous philatelic uxorious
I've had cookies for breakfast a few times but never for dinner. Where do you find a stat like that anyway?
Did you know that 86% of all stats are made up?
The average major league career of a baseball is 5 to 7 pitches.
In the famous Beatles song "Paper Back Writer", the French folk song "Frere Jaques" can be heard in the background several times - the Beatles took great pleasure in putting little "surprises" in their work - such as the inclusion of a Bach fugue in the tangle of tunes which follows Strawberry fields, and the deliscious double meanings in songs such as Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and A Day in the Life.
Who needs a post when there are entertaining comments like these?! Seriously. This has to be the most entertaining ever. Excuse me, I have some words to look up in the dictionary....
The cookie stat I got a while ago from a trivia website, but it amuses me.
I love the randomness of Beatles songs. Do you remember the Simpsons episode with Paul McCarthy and he explains to Homer that there's a vegetarian chili recipe in the white alubum if it's played backwards.
I like chili a lot. Maybe it's the whole bean thing so when I can eat it, it seems extra good to me. Who knows!? Seriously, who?
God that's who. Confession time: I actually hated chilli most of my life. My dad used to make chilli for the first day of "winter" every year and I always dreded that dinner. But then my senior year of college I just started always eating chilli on hotdogs and now I just like it. I mean I love hard times.
You know what else is hard? concrete tile the bottom of a pool
Have you ever hit your foot or hand or something on the bottom of the pool? It hurts so bad.
Yeah, it really does. I used to hit my elbow on the bottom of my grandparent's pool all the time.
I'm glad you said concrete. More people should know the difference between cement and concrete. My Pappy used to explain it all the time. Came as part of his working for a limestone quarry and concrete company I think.
You know what else hurts. Stitches. Not the fun kind you get form laughing to hard though those can hurt too, the surgical thread kind. I've had over 45 stitches in my head.
Wanna know what? I've never had stitches. But also as a little kid I wasn't as clumsey as you. But I do seem to be more clutsey now than ever before.
In the last two years I have fallen down the stair and hurt my wrist, slipped on the floor and hurt my arm, run into a door and hurt my face, bumped into a car (as a pedestrian) and hurt my knee, tripped on a sidewalk and hurt my ankle, gotten bronchitos and hurt my throat.
I don't think that's how you spell bronchitos. How do you spell it? And don't say I-T. That's a really old and lame and annoying joke. I don't think I like annoying jokes.
Your mom is an annoying joke. (speaking of annoying jokes... let's talk about your addiction to "your mom" jokes). I think bronchitos are something they sell at Taco Bell. I'm guessing you mean bronchitis.
i thought you liked the comments on this post! I mean you don't post anything new so we found a way to make it interesting again. i'm not a very good speller not as bad as Jo but still not really good. we can't all be as well educated as Jen.
i like lame jokes too. just not annoying ones. like i hate when i'm calling someone and they act like the can't hear me or like they are hearing me say something different cause they think that's funny. it's not.
I agree with you on that, in fact, I generally don't get that joke cause I seriously think they can't hear me. It drives me crazy.
CRAZY! I was crazy once. They locked me up in a rubber room. Then the worms came. I hate worms. They drive me crazy...
Almost as crazy as people who don't post stuff online and then whine about the ridiculocity of other people posting things...the nurve of some people, I'm telling ya...
When I use ?! it means I'm outraged. I think we should thumb wrestle. I've been working out my thumbs. Thumbs only. I don't like working out other things.
You have a fat neck jo so take that. (from working out)
you know what else is better than arm wrestling a staring contest. let's do that too. Jen add beat jo at staring contest and thumb wrestling to The List.
I'm 28 years old and live in Washington D.C. Life is a huge adventure! My goal- to always run hard after God and be the best ambassador for Him that I can. Bring it!
I look like I'm preforming magic. Mwhaha (evil magic laugh)
You forgot to credit the fabulous photographer ;)
Ahem. Much apologies to the professional (wildlife) photographer, Rachelle. My roommate is always in the right place at the right time. Or maybe she just always has my camera, and magic just follows her.
AMAZING! Great technique.
Those must be the "Trendy" jeans you told me you bought. Mucho gusto!
no they're magic jeans. just like my dog magic and Rachelle's photo magic and Jen's dresser magic...cuz she's a dresser.
It's magice EVERYWHERE!!!!
(there were actually three dressers there, but I made 2 disappear). Magic.
what's magice?
jo's magice.
It's French. It isn't that Jo can't spell, it is that she is way smarter than we ever knew and speaks French.
jes. es tru.
what does that say? I don't know how to read French.
Mmmm. Professional Wildlife Photographer. Definitely my secret life goal.
Not a secret anymo'!!!
no more dog whisperer! new post. how about some really random pics?
hi jen
There I said it.
I always thought he should shave. did you see the commercial that has big foot in it and he shaves? chewie should do that too.
But Chewie is so cute all hairy and such not, like I'd want to date him cute, I mean, hello han Solo, but still, I think he would look like an overgrown hariless rat if he shaved. It may have worked for bigfoot, but with thousands of years of evolutionary adaptaion on him, Chewie must have known something. Seriously, what if his skin was flourestent purple? What then? What if he looked like Jen when he shaved?
Jen shaves so I guess it's possible. Do you think Chewie and Bigfoot are connected in anyway?
But on a more serious note do you think Jen and Chewie are connected?
What kind of question is that!? Jen is Chewie's great-grandmother's counsin's sister's aunt's uncles' father's uncles' brother-in-law's twenty-seventh counsin thrice removed, so of course they're connected. Its like six degree of Kevin Bacon. Its only six cause if it were seven big foot would eat him for breaksfast, just like his cousin Jen eats bread.
Ever seen Jenn eat bread, I mean, seriously eat bread. Yeah, I've feared for my life before, which really has nothing to do with Jen eating bread, just saying...
i like the word thrice. that's just a cool word.
other words that i like:
poka dot
antidisestablishmentarianism (is that spelled right?)
Those are some great words.
Phantasmagorical, xenophobic, denizen, assinine, and cryptic top my list of favorite words to try to fit into conversation.
Did you know that the average American will eat about 35,000 cookies in a lifetime? I think I'm behind on that. Maybe I'll have cookies for dinner.
I've had cookies for breakfast a few times but never for dinner. Where do you find a stat like that anyway?
Did you know that 86% of all stats are made up?
The average major league career of a baseball is 5 to 7 pitches.
In the famous Beatles song "Paper Back Writer", the French folk song "Frere Jaques" can be heard in the background several times - the Beatles took great pleasure in putting little "surprises" in their work - such as the inclusion of a Bach fugue in the tangle of tunes which follows Strawberry fields, and the deliscious double meanings in songs such as Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and A Day in the Life.
Who needs a post when there are entertaining comments like these?! Seriously. This has to be the most entertaining ever. Excuse me, I have some words to look up in the dictionary....
The cookie stat I got a while ago from a trivia website, but it amuses me.
I love the randomness of Beatles songs. Do you remember the Simpsons episode with Paul McCarthy and he explains to Homer that there's a vegetarian chili recipe in the white alubum if it's played backwards.
I like chili a lot. Maybe it's the whole bean thing so when I can eat it, it seems extra good to me. Who knows!? Seriously, who?
God that's who. Confession time: I actually hated chilli most of my life. My dad used to make chilli for the first day of "winter" every year and I always dreded that dinner. But then my senior year of college I just started always eating chilli on hotdogs and now I just like it. I mean I love hard times.
You know what else is hard?
the bottom of a pool
Have you ever hit your foot or hand or something on the bottom of the pool? It hurts so bad.
Yeah, it really does. I used to hit my elbow on the bottom of my grandparent's pool all the time.
I'm glad you said concrete. More people should know the difference between cement and concrete. My Pappy used to explain it all the time. Came as part of his working for a limestone quarry and concrete company I think.
You know what else hurts. Stitches. Not the fun kind you get form laughing to hard though those can hurt too, the surgical thread kind. I've had over 45 stitches in my head.
Wanna know what?
I've never had stitches. But also as a little kid I wasn't as clumsey as you. But I do seem to be more clutsey now than ever before.
In the last two years I have fallen down the stair and hurt my wrist, slipped on the floor and hurt my arm, run into a door and hurt my face, bumped into a car (as a pedestrian) and hurt my knee, tripped on a sidewalk and hurt my ankle, gotten bronchitos and hurt my throat.
I don't think that's how you spell bronchitos. How do you spell it? And don't say I-T. That's a really old and lame and annoying joke. I don't think I like annoying jokes.
Your mom is an annoying joke. (speaking of annoying jokes... let's talk about your addiction to "your mom" jokes).
I think bronchitos are something they sell at Taco Bell. I'm guessing you mean bronchitis.
Your face.
I love lame jokes. I'm glad Jenn can spell bronchitis, but can she spell supercalifragilisticexpealidocious.
It's like ra-i-ain....
How about RIDICULOUS... that's what I think about all of the comments on this post.
i thought you liked the comments on this post! I mean you don't post anything new so we found a way to make it interesting again. i'm not a very good speller not as bad as Jo but still not really good. we can't all be as well educated as Jen.
i like lame jokes too. just not annoying ones. like i hate when i'm calling someone and they act like the can't hear me or like they are hearing me say something different cause they think that's funny. it's not.
I agree with you on that, in fact, I generally don't get that joke cause I seriously think they can't hear me. It drives me crazy.
CRAZY! I was crazy once. They locked me up in a rubber room. Then the worms came. I hate worms. They drive me crazy...
Almost as crazy as people who don't post stuff online and then whine about the ridiculocity of other people posting things...the nurve of some people, I'm telling ya...
ouch, how did I come into all this. I can't even read this it makes my brain hurt.
Chands, your last post had at least three misspellings. At least I'm a math major who can't spell... ohhhh take that-Your face!
We should arm wrestle, I've been working out, you are going down!
excuse me joanna?!
When I use ?! it means I'm outraged. I think we should thumb wrestle. I've been working out my thumbs. Thumbs only. I don't like working out other things.
You have a fat neck jo so take that. (from working out)
you know what else is better than arm wrestling a staring contest. let's do that too. Jen add beat jo at staring contest and thumb wrestling to The List.
Winner gets a buritto. None of that fajita stuff you always get, BURITTO!
If Holly was my dog, her name would be buritto, paper name would be "prancing buritto"
I listened to rap music today and felt like a thug, cuz.
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